nutrient agar

美 [ˈnuːtriənt ˈeɪɡɑːr]英 [ˈnjuːtriənt ˈeɪɡɑː(r)]
  • 营养(肉汁)琼脂
nutrient agarnutrient agar


any culture medium that uses agar as the gelling agent
Synonym: agar


  1. Results : PYA media were better than nutrient agar media .


  2. Conclusion : The plant compound essential oil fumigation has certain killing effect on the bacteria on nutrient agar plate .


  3. 20 strains had similar colony morphology on nutrient agar medium . They were all gram-positive bacteria .


  4. Enumeration of viable microorganisms - colony count by inoculation in or on a nutrient agar culture medium


  5. METHODS Natural sedimentation , where microbial particles in the air were settled by gravity on nutrient agar media before and after disinfection .


  6. Circular , low convex , smooth , opaque , mucoid and yellow colonies appear on nutrient agar after 48 hours .


  7. Yeast colonies isolated from prophase , metaphase and anaphase of spontaneous fermentation were identified primarily on Wallerstein Laboratory Nutrient Agar ( WL agar ) .


  8. Methods Minimal inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) and minimal bactericidal concentration ( MBC ) were observed by different concentration of Jiulinggao in nutrient agar medium and nutrient bouillon medium ;


  9. Methods The suspicious strain of bacterium isolated from disease cobra was cultured by nutrient agar , blood agar and SS culture medium . Biochemical testing and antibacterial activity in vitro were also performed .


  10. Fumigation with 1 ml of the compound essential oils for 15 min could kill completely the Escherichia coli and 99 % of Staphylococcus aureus smeared on the nutrient agar plate .


  11. All isolated strains on common nutrient agar presented bacterium colonies with a round shape of neat edge with a central uplift , the surface was smooth and translucent with a white-gray color .


  12. Inoculated the above working bacterial suspension into the nutrient agar medium and anaerobic bacterium agar medium with daubing method and incubated them under anaerobic condition at 35 ℃, and used the culture medium without inoculated as control .


  13. Results : The colonies of gonococcus growing on ordinary nutrient agar and yeast extract agar were smaller than 2 mm , while those growing on yeast extract blood agar and chocolate agar were 2 ~ 3 mm and the recovery rate was 26 % higher .
